Homemade Sulguni Cheese


Introduction: Sulguni cheese is one of the most famous Georgian cheese varieties, originating from the Samegrelo region in western Georgia. Known for its sour, moderately salty flavor and elastic, semi-firm texture, Sulguni is enjoyed by both locals and foreigners alike. This recipe will guide you through making Sulguni cheese at home.


  • Soft, fresh, salt-free cheese
  • Water


  1. Begin by cutting the soft cheese into 1-2 cm thick slices.

  2. Heat water in a large pot to 80-90°C, almost to the point of boiling, but do not let it boil. Reduce the flame to the minimum.

  3. Add the cheese slices to the pot and stir with a wooden spoon in one direction. Continue stirring until the cheese becomes completely soft and stretchy.

  4. Remove the pot from the flame. Using a spoon, remove the cheese from the pot and stack the slices on top of each other in layers, shaping them into a roughly round form.

  5. After creating a round stack, place the cheese into cold water for 10-15 minutes. Then, transfer it to a grate to allow any excess liquid to drain away.

  6. Once the cheese has drained, it is ready for consumption. You can sprinkle some salt on it if desired. To store the cheese long-term, you can also brine it.

Note: Making smaller cheese kebbucks is easier and faster than creating larger ones. Enjoy your homemade Sulguni cheese and incorporate it into your favorite Georgian dishes!

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